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Optoelectronic Materials and Device Spectroscopy Group (StranksLab)

Read more at: Congratulations to Linfeng Pan for his Award at EN05 Symposium

Congratulations to Linfeng Pan for his Award at EN05 Symposium

3 July 2024

Congratulations to all award winners of #EN05 symposium! Best talk including our very own Linfeng! @LinfengPan ( @StranksLab ) #S24MRS @Materials_MRS @ChemCambridge screenshot_3-7-2024_16120_x.com_.jpeg

Read more at: Materials Research Society: Washington DC April 2024

Materials Research Society: Washington DC April 2024

3 July 2024

@StranksLab had a great showing at #S24MRS this year with presentations by @milosdubajic on local structural dynamics in lead halide perovskites, @jianmao90 on perovskite blue LEDs, and @LinfengPan on anisotropic charge transport in Cu2O, published in @Nature earlier this week. gmgrulhxmaabg6u.jpg gmgrultwaaap9jp.jpg...

Read more at: PhD studentship in group with Swift Solar open now - apply by May 16th!

PhD studentship in group with Swift Solar open now - apply by May 16th!

26 April 2024

PhD Studentship: Characterising Interfaces to Drive Next-Generation Halide Perovskite Development, working together with Swift Solar. Apply here by May 16th 2024 .

Read more at: Congratulations to Dr Hayden Salway on passing his PhD viva!

Congratulations to Dr Hayden Salway on passing his PhD viva!

12 January 2024

Read more at: Congratulations to Kyle Frohna on beginning his Stanford Energy Fellowship!

Congratulations to Kyle Frohna on beginning his Stanford Energy Fellowship!

1 January 2024

Read more at: Congratulations to Dengyang Guo on being appointed Research Assistant Professor at HKU!

Congratulations to Dengyang Guo on being appointed Research Assistant Professor at HKU!

20 December 2023

Read more at: Welcome to new PhD students Capucine, Xian Wei, Tariq, and Andrea!

Welcome to new PhD students Capucine, Xian Wei, Tariq, and Andrea!

2 October 2023

Read more at: Congratulations to Simon Kahmann on his new position as Assistant Professor at the University of Chemnitz

Congratulations to Simon Kahmann on his new position as Assistant Professor at the University of Chemnitz

27 September 2023

Read more at: Congratulations to Szymon Zelewski on his new position as Assistant Professor at the University of Wroclaw

Congratulations to Szymon Zelewski on his new position as Assistant Professor at the University of Wroclaw

31 August 2023

Read more at: Congratulations to Dr Anna Abfalterer on passing her PhD viva

Congratulations to Dr Anna Abfalterer on passing her PhD viva

19 July 2023